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Tourism in Overseas Depts and Territories

The Overseas Departements and Territories area or, the heavenly region ! You could not get bored there. Between fine sand, blue-turquoise sea, volcano and luxuriant forests, these islands will delight you. All more beautiful the ones than the others, their discovery is without end (as testify the many excursions which are proposed). You will be charmed by the scents of the flowers and typical fruits of these lands ! With the DOM-TOM, you have an appointment with exoticism.

(971) Guadeloupe (972) Martinique (973) Guyane
(974) Réunion (975) Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (976) Mayotte
(978) Saint-Martin (986) Wallis et Futuna (987) Polynésie Française
(988) Nouvelle Calédonie