Bed & Breakfast Sur le Chemin

Lou Carreirou – Route de Mende - 48120 SAINT-ALBAN-SUR-LIMAGNOLE
GPS : 44.779467 (44°46'46" N) / 3.388403 (3°23'18" E)

St. Alban is accessible from exit 34 (Saint-Chely d'Apcher) Highway 75 / E11. He must then take the N106 for about 3 km towards Mende. Near Rimeize, take the D987 on your left approximately 6km you're there! You arrive at a crossroads where we must take direction from Mende without turning on your steps. Make 100m from the crossing and turn left, you're Lou Carreirou.

To help, here is an overview of St. Alban on Limagnole. The house is situated opposite the Post Street Lou Carreirou