Tel : +33 2 33 10 27 70 - +33 6 70 14 04 17

Bed & Breakfast Manoir de Turqueville Les Quatre Étoiles

28, rue de l'Église - 50480 TURQUEVILLE
GPS : 49.406824 (49°24'25" N) / -1.280909 (1°16'51" W)

Turqueville, district Sainte Mère Eglise, is located near Sainte Mère Eglise (4 km), centrally on the Cotentin peninsula. From there, it is very convenient to discover all the attractions of the region, including the invasion beaches and Mont-Saint-Michel.
From England you can easily come by ferry from Portsmouth to Cherbourg
( Between Paris and Cherbourg a train brings you to Carentan, 10 km from Sainte Mère Eglise/Turqueville.
Airports are located in Caen, Cherbourg, and Paris.
By car it is very easy: the Route National N 13, from Paris to Cherbourg passes Sainte Mère Eglise/Turqueville. You take the exit Sainte Mère Eglise D 67. You will see our signs Chambres d’hôtes Manoir “Les Quatre Etoiles” and you follow this sign, it is the D 67. You arrive at Turqueville, our manoir is next to the church.