Bed & Breakfast La Faye

La Faye - 63480 VERTOLAYE
GPS : 45.645790 (45°38'45" N) / 3.710774 (3°42'39" E)

Vertolaye is situated between Thiers and Ambert

Coming from Thiers – you’ll see the indication Vertolaye, a little bit further at your left you‘ll have the junction with the indication Vertolaye Centre.
Don’t take the road to the centre, +/- 200 metres further between 2 houses there is an little road with the indication “La Faye”.
Take that road, that climbs a lot.
You’ll arrive at a crossroad “ T” , here you turn to the right and then you split off on the left , there is an indicator “La Faye”
This part of the road even climbs a lot more.
Nearly at the top you’ll have on your right a little farm, with a cross, the house at the left with a small front yard is the place to be.
The house is recognizable on the glass logo.