Tel : +33 6 50 53 57 31
Plamen et Valerie PETROV SCHMITT

Bed & Breakfast Gourdouze

Lieu-dit Gourdouze - 48220 VIALAS
GPS : 44.356563 (44°21'24" N) / 3.881927 (3°52'55" E)

You can come on foot (GR 68; GR Tour de la vallée du Luech) from Genolhac (4 hours walk), Vialas (2 hours walk), Le Pont de Montvert (3,5 hours walk) or le Mas de la Barque (1 hour walk).
You can come by car from Vialas (1 hour), Le Pont de Montvert (45 minutes).
You can come by train to Genolhac and then walk up (4 hours walk).