Chambre d'hôtes Entrecolinas

Motinho, Caixa Postal 911 Z, Barrade - PADERNE
GPS : 37.179301 (37°10'45" N) / -8.167309 (8°10'2" W)

The exact GPS coordinates are : 37.1793013208768,-8.16730872578125. If you have any difficulties please do call us on : +351.924.227.790. The most easy way to find us is to add B&B Entrecolinas, Paderne in Google maps.
or go up at the restaurant/cafe "O Alagar" (just a little out of the centre of Paderne), directions Moinho Novo and Almeijoafras and follow the road till the signs Faro, Loulé and Boliqueime. Turn right there and you will see Entrecolinas on your left hand side after 200 meters.