Maison La Veyrolaine

30, route du Crêt des Vignes - 74290 VEYRIER-DU-LAC
GPS : 45.869095 (45°52'9" N) / 6.184123 (6°11'3" E)

From Talloires :
Drive direction Annecy. Once you will be leaving Menthon,
200 m after the station service,
turn left in the « Allée des Platières » and go downhill the road.Turn right again. La Veyrolaine will be the second house on your right .

From the highway :
take the exit « Annecy Nord ». Follow « Annecy Centre » (green road signs). Once in Annecy, follow « Le Lac » (white road signs). When facing the Impérial Palace Hotel, turn left direction « Veyrier-du-Lac, Menthon-Saint-Bernard ». Go through the village of Veyrier (Chef lieu) and keep driving approximatly 1 km direction « Menthon-Saint-Bernard ». Just after the yellow mailbox turn right in the « Allée des Plattières » and go downhill the road.Turn right again. La Veyrolaine will be the second house on your right .