Tel : +33 6 81 05 25 96

la bergerie et sa piscine privée

272 chemin de Paribère, Saint Médard - 47130 CLERMONT DESSOUS
GPS : 44.255228 (44°15'19" N) / 0.454034 (0°27'15" E)

The closest airports are Bordeaux, Toulouse and Bergerac.
The SNCF station is in Agen.

Then plan to rent a vehicle, because you can reach Las Bouzigues by car.

If you have a GPS, enter the following coordinates to locate us:
North: 44° 15' 18"
East: 0° 27' 15"

Click on the map to enlarge it

A62 - E72 motorway, exits n°6 (Aiguillon, 12 km) and n°7 (Agen, 18 km).

* Coming from Agen on the RN 113 (direction Bordeaux) cross the towns of Colayrac-Saint-Cirq, Saint-Hilaire-de-Lusignan and Lapouleille. 1 km after leaving this last village, turn right under the railway bridge following the direction of Saint-Médard. Near the entrance to the village, follow the signs “Las Bouzigues”.

* Coming from exit no. 6, take the RD 8 towards Port-Sainte-Marie, cross Saint-Léger, then take the RN 113 (direction Agen). Go along Port-Sainte-Marie then cross the town of Fourtic. 1 km after leaving the latter village, turn left under the railway bridge following the direction of Saint-Médard. Near the entrance to the village, follow the signs “Las Bouzigues”.